£320,000 for blindness following ENT surgery | Fieldfisher
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Case Study

£320,000 for blindness following ENT surgery

We took an ear, nose and throat negligence claim for Carl who was left blind following a haemorrhage during surgery to drain his sinuses at the Royal Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital in London. Carl accepted £320,000 damages for his injuries.

Carl was referred to the National Hospital by his GP, with a history of severe frontal headaches and narrowing and blurred vision.

It was decided that the headaches were caused by his sinuses and he underwent an operation to drain his sinuses at the Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital in London.

Carl bled a lot during and after the surgery. He was re-admitted to theatre for re-exploration of the right orbit which had haemorrhaged and decompressed. The haemorrhage was eventually stemmed.

The surgery left Carl blind in his right eye as the haemorrhage and decompression damaged his optic nerve. He already had poor vision in his left eye due to an unrelated condition and as a result is considered legally blind. He is no longer able to work and he suffered emotionally as a result of the loss of his sight.

Carl instructed Paul McNeil to investigate an ear, nose and throat (ENT) negligence claim and our expert evidence indicated that the damage to Carl's sight was caused through negligence.

Paul McNeil settled the claim for £320,000 compensation plus costs. The claim was taken on a no win, no fee basis.

Contact us

For further information about surgery negligence claims and clinical negligence claims, please call Paul McNeil on 0330 460 6804 or email paul.mcneil@fieldfisher.com.


All enquiries are completely free of charge and we will investigate all funding options for you including no win, no fee.