Two days left until the Neurolegal Conference 2014 | Fieldfisher
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Two days left until the Neurolegal Conference 2014

With just two days left to go until the Neurolegal Conference, we continue our look at some of the speakers who will be attending this event. Jo Clark-Wilson is Managing Partner of Head First LLP, and has 31 years working experience since qualifying as an Occupational Therapist in 1979. In May 1994, she established an organisation called "Head First" to provide rehabilitation, equipment, Case Management and long-term care needs assessments for medico-legal purposes; design and implement home rehabilitation programmes for brain injured patients; develop Case Management services; and establish training programmes for support workers and professionals in brain injury rehabilitation and long-term management. Head First currently provides Case Management for between 90 and 100 brain injured clients and their families.

Jo's talk is entitled Rehabilitation, Case Management, Care and Contingencies: What is Reality? and looks at establishing the support structures and systems for clients and families to re-establish their lives after brain injury.

The Neurolegal Conference takes place at the St Pancras Renaissance Hotel on Friday 11th July and will examine the way litigation interplays with the actual rehabilitation needs on a day to day basis and the benefit that it can bring to victims of serious personal injury – making sure mistakes are not made by those putting rehabilitation packages in place and dealing with the issues that can arise in the court room at trial.