Decision Support Service: What, When, and Why | Fieldfisher
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Decision Support Service: What, When, and Why

Hannah Unger



The Decision Support Service (DSS) recently held a virtual information evening titled "Decision Support Service: What, When, and Why" as part of an intensive educational series of webinars and events on the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015. The event included interviews with both the Director of the DSS, Áine Flynn, and the Director of the Mental Health Commission, John Farrelly.
The event covered an array of topics connected with the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015 and the DSS in advance of the Act's full commencement in June 2022. This Act introduces a new legal framework assisting people with diminished decision-making capacity and abolishes the current Wards of Court system. Discussion at the DSS event included a general introduction to the 2015 Act, the DSS oversight over support arrangements, the obligations of financial institutions and legal costs associated with the new Act.
Recordings of this event can be found at DSS March Event Interviews | Decision Support Service. The event will be of interest to those looking to inform themselves as to how this new legal framework will operate in practice upon commencement.

Written by: Eimear Burke, Hannah Unger and Paul Bruun-Nielsen

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Public and Regulatory