Startup Roadshow at Fieldfisher Frankfurt | Fieldfisher
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The German Roadshow is a collaboration between the Israel Innovation Hub of Germany’s largest Research Organisation Helmholtz and Hasoub, supported by the German Embassy in Tel Aviv, which will bring 6 leading Israeli-Arab startups from Israel to Germany for business evolvement and international network expansion.
Presenting startups:
  • Brocali
  • GoodDeeds.AI
  • GoMake
  • Siraj technologies
  • Varno Technologies Ltd
  • Vree

Agenda for the day:

12:30    Reception 
13:00    Welcome & Keynote by Philipp Stricharz (Head of Real Estate, Fieldfisher)
13:30    German Roadshow Intro by Andrea Frahm & Rabea Zioud
13:45     Presentations of the individual start-ups
14:15 - 15:15    Networking 

We are happy to support Hasoub and the Helmholtz Israel Innovation Hub on their roadshow and look forward to this exciting opportunity to see new startup ideas and have an intercultural exchange.


About Hasoub

Hasoub is a grassroots NGO paving the way for the coming generation of Arab techentrepreneurs. Hasoub’s goal is to help create a more productive Arab society in Israel, accelerating entrepreneurship and innovation as well as a more diverse and inclusive “Startup Nation”. 


About Helmholtz Israel Innovation Hub

As Germany’s largest Research Organisation with 18 Research & Innovation Centers in Germany, the activities of Helmholtz focus on providing a high performance R&I infrastructure and on creating the technological basis for a competitive economy. The Helmholtz Israel Innovation Hub, based in Tel Aviv and led by Andrea Frahm, serves as point of contact for existing and future partners in research, innovation, business, and politics, advising German and Israeli stakeholders on bilateral cooperation opportunities as well as promoting knowledge & technology transfer initiatives across all R&I sectors.