Justus Eberleh | Fieldfisher
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My main areas of practice
My practice focuses on litigation within and outside the companies concerned, the structuring of joint ventures and the planning and execution of M&A transactions.

I advise our clients in German and English.

I published 2021 in InfrastrukturRecht on a judgment of the European Court of Justice in which it addressed the independence of national regulators (IR 2021, 250).

Personal engagement
I volunteer as a member of the department for teaching concepts at the association "GrundGesetzVerstehen e.V.", which conducts teaching units on the Basic Law at interested schools for the purpose of promoting democracy.

My background
I studied in Osnabrück. Before joining Fieldfisher, I worked as a research assistant in an international law firm in the field of energy antitrust law and spent my legal traineeship at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in the department for climate protection and emissions trading law and at the Higher Regional Court of Dusseldorf in the 3rd antitrust senate.

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