Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Claims Solicitors | Fieldfisher
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Subarachnoid Haemorrhage Claims

If you or a family member have been affected by subarachnoid haemorrhage, our team of expert medical negligence solicitors can help you pursue a claim for compensation.

To speak with one of our medical negligence experts call 0800 358 3848 or complete our online enquiry form.

Subarachnoid Haemorrhage is a type of stroke caused by bleeding in the space between the brain and the membrane that covers it. It is most often caused by a burst blood vessel in the brain or ruptured aneurysm. It is a medical emergency and can be fatal.

There are certain risk factors including smoking, high blood pressure and excessive alcohol consumption.

It is important that a subarachnoid haemorrhage is diagnosed quickly and treated without delay otherwise this can result in further bleeding at the site of the aneurysm leading to brain damage which can leave a patient with permanent long-term neurological complications or even result in death.


What are the symptoms of a subarachnoid haemorrhage?

There may be no warning signs but the main symptoms of a subarachnoid haemorrhage include:

  • Sudden and severe headache unlike anything you have experienced before
  • Neck stiffness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
  • Blurred/double vision
  • Stroke-like symptoms including slurred speech and one-sided weakness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Seizures

A diagnosis of subarachnoid haemorrhage is made with scanning to check for signs of bleeding around the brain and/or lumbar puncture to look for blood in the cerebrospinal fluid, and the patient is then transferred to a specialist neurosciences unit. The main goal of treatment is to stop the bleeding and to prevent re-bleeding and may include coiling or clipping of the aneurysm.

Unfortunately, sometimes healthcare professionals may fail to recognise the symptoms of a subarachnoid haemorrhage. This may result in a delay in diagnosing the condition such that the patient goes on to suffer further and serious bleeding following an initial "warning" bleed. This can lead to devastating consequences which would have been avoidable had the diagnosis been made earlier. Symptoms of headache may be misdiagnosed as migraine, for example, or the severity of the symptoms not fully appreciated or acted upon.

The majority of medical negligence cases relate to a delay in diagnosing and hence treating the initial bleed to the brain. Alternatively, cases may relate to a failure to appropriately diagnose and treat hypertension (high blood pressure) leading to a brain haemorrhage which would otherwise have been avoidable.


The Natalie Kate Moss Trust works to help PREVENT brain haemorrhages from happening and funds ground-breaking research to TREAT them when they do. And their logo as well


How do I start a subarachnoid haemorrhage claim?

If you would like to pursue a subarachnoid haemorrhage claim, please contact our team. We are one of the UK's leading medical negligence law firms. We will advise and support you throughout the claims process, ensuring you receive the best possible outcome.

You can find out more about making a medical negligence claim here.


How much will it cost me to make a claim?

We work on a no win, no fee basis.

If you’re suffering from the impact of subarachnoid haemorrhage, you can seek legal advice as soon as possible. You generally have three years to make such a claim.


Contact us

Our medical negligence team are specialists in legal claims where a condition or illness has been misdiagnosed. We have many years of experience pursuing these types of claims, and we have the knowledge and expertise to ensure you receive the best compensation possible.

For a free, no obligation call with one of our medical negligence experts, please dial 0800 358 3848, email, or complete our online enquiry form.



Why choose Fieldfisher's medical negligence team?


We achieve record damages for people suffering serious injury following medical negligence. Last year, we recovered more than £200m in compensation claims.


We have more than 30 years' experience pursuing claims for people injured by medical negligence, clinical negligence, medical accidents and medical mistakes.


We are ranked top tier in leading legal directories and regularly recognised in industry awards. We are accredited by APIL, panel members of AvMA and members of the Law Society’s Clinical Negligence Panel.

Contact us

For a free, no obligation call with one of our medical negligence experts, please dial 0800 358 3848 or complete our online enquiry form.